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Books, Missals & Cards

We carry a large stock of Missals and books suitable for use exclusively by clergy as well as by the people. Altar and Study Missals, Weekday and Sunday Missals are just a few of the books that we stock. Also available are cards and mass resources for clergy and laity as well as a whole host of prayer material. We also stock Latin Mass altar cards in framed/unframed options.
Some items are to order but can be obtained within a few days to ensure a fast delivery to you
Suitable for all services including Holy Week, Matrimony and Funerals
See and choose from the menus below...
For Clergy Use
A selection of Missals and print material for use by the clergy only
For general Use
A selection of Missals and print material for use by laity
BooKs, Cards & Resources
A selection of material to assist the laity during services