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Ciborium Veils
A ciborium (plural ciboria; Medieval Latin ciborium (drinking cup), from the Ancient Greek κιβώριον kibōrion, a type of vessel, normally in metal. It was originally a particular shape of drinking cup in Ancient Greece and Rome, but the word later came to refer to a large covered cup designed to hold hosts for, and after, the Eucharist, thus the counterpart (for the bread) of the chalice (for the wine).
In medieval Latin, and in English, "Ciborium" more commonly refers to a covered container used in Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and related churches to store the consecrated hosts of the sacrament of Holy Communion. It resembles the shape of a chalice but its bowl is more round than conical, and takes its name from its cover, surmounted by a cross or other sacred design. In the Early Christian Church, Holy Communion was not kept in churches for fear of sacrilege or desecration. Later, the first ciboria were kept at homes to be handy for the Last Rites where needed. In churches, a ciborium is usually kept in a tabernacle or aumbry. In some cases, it may be veiled (see photograph below) to indicate the presence of the consecrated hosts. It is typically made, or at least plated, in a precious metal.
A veil is often placed over the ciborium which contains the consecrated hosts whilst in the tabernacle. These veil (covers) can be in various styles, coloura and fabrics and
generally cover the ciborium whilst still allowing easy access to the contents during a mass/service by the celebrant.
We offer you a range of ciborium veils below and can also make your own style/design - simply contact us for details and pricing.

Ciborium Veil - CBV1
A cream woven polyester/wool mix fabric Ciborium Veil with golden thread embroidery to all four sides depicting an ornate IHS design.
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV2
A white woven polyester/wool mix fabric Ciborium Veil with colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting Cross, Wheat & Grapes (Communion)
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV3
A golden fabric of brocade Ciborium Veil with colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting IHS, Wheat & Grapes (Communion)
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV4
A cream woven polyester/wool mix fabric Ciborium Veil with colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting a Cross, Grapes & Wheat (Communion)
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV5
A cream woven polyester/wool mix fabric Ciborium Veil with colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting the Lamb of God.
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV6
A golden brocade fabric Ciborium Veil with full colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting the Lamb of God & Cross with flowers.
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV7
A light golden brocade fabric Ciborium Veil with full colour thread embroidery to all four sides depicting the Lamb of God & Cross with flowers, IHS & Golden Chalice
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.
Measures as standard 30x13x13cm

Ciborium Veil - CBV8
A cream woven polyester/wool mix fabric round Ciborium Veil with full colour thread embroidery around the perimeter depicting Golden Cross with Grapes & Wheat (Communion)
Round, conival shaped to fully cover the ciborium
Ideal for a range of ciborium sizes and looks beautiful positioned within the tabernacle.