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Mass Books, Cards & Resources
A range of books, cards and other resouces that are particularly useful when used to foolow the Mass service. Ideal for use in church, chapel and schools.
See the range of items on offer below and if there is something specific you require but is not shown, please contact us.
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Order of Mass in English
The complete text of the Order of Mass in the new English translation, for use by the people. Includes Eucharistic Prayers I - IV, musical settings of the people's parts, colour illustrations. Handy booklet format.
A6 paperback book, 48 pages
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm

Order of Mass in Latin & English
The new English translation on facing pages with the original Latin version. Includes Eucharistic Prayers I - IV, musical settings of the people's parts, colour illustrations. Handy booklet format
A6 paperback book, 76 pages
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm

Large-Print Mass Book
The new English translation of the Mass in handy booklet form, set in larger type for the visually impaired. This Mass booklet contains the full text of the Mass together with prayers for Holy Communion.
A6 paperback book, 64 pages.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm

Large-Print Eucharistic Adoration
An excellent companion for time spent before the Blessed Sacrament – all in Larger Print. During adoration and silent prayer the reader can reflect on Church teaching and Scripture passages on the Eucharist, and access a wealth of prayers, together with a unique set of Rosary meditations designed to be prayed before the Blessed Sacrament.
The full Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction is included.
A6 paperback book, 96 pages.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm

A Simple Guide to the Mass
A concise and straightforward booklet for helping those in the pews to get more out of Mass. Abbot Cuthbert Johnson OSB provides a simple and concise guide to the new translation of the Mass introduced by the Church in 2011. Pope Benedict XVI expressed the wish that the introduction of the new translation will mark the beginning of "a renewal and a deepening of Eucharistic devotion all over the English-speaking world". Abbot Cuthbert is a noted liturgist.
A6 paperback book, 32 pages.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm

My Simple Mass Book
The texts of the Order of Mass newly illustrated in an attractive, modern and child-friendly style. Liturgical texts are interspersed with devotional texts and explanations of the various parts of the Mass which encourage conscious and active participation on the part of the child.
A6 paperback book, 56 pages.
Dimensions: 10.5 x 14.8cm
The illustrations are carefully commissioned to reflect not only the events happening in the church during Mass but their theological and personal significance for the child. It will be an invaluable tool to help children engage with what is happening, encouraging them to pray and explaining the roots of the Order of Mass and the prayers it contains to them.
(For First communion children aged 8 and above).
• A perfect First Communion gift.
• Beautifully modern and colourful illustrations.
• A great tool for teaching children what is happening at Mass and why it is happening.

Order of Mass Card
Set on durable laminated card, the text of the new English translation of the Order of Mass is elegantly set out in red and black - an easy to follow, helpful guide for all participants in the Mass.
A5 card, 4 pages.
Supplied individually

Order of Mass Card with Music
Set on durable laminated card, this participation aid features the text of the new English translation of the Order of Mass, plus the new official musical settings created for it. It is elegantly set out in red and black, with musical annotation in a new, simplified style - an easy to follow, helpful guide for all participants in the Mass.
A5 card, 4 pages.
Supplied individually

Order of Mass Card 2
People's responses for the Order of Mass from the new Revised Roman Missal. Folded size: 120(w) x 210(h)mm. Open size: 210 x 360mm. Printed in 2 colours on both sides of one sheet and folded to make 6 pages. Gloss laminated.
Heavyweight 300gsm card.
Supplied individually

Order of Mass Card 3
Order of Mass (Enlarged version - laminated)
A colourful, illustrated and easy to use participation aid with detailed rubrics to assist the faithful in worship with accompanying commentary for each section of the Mass.
Printed on strong 250gsm card, tear-proof & gloss LAMINATED for extra durability.
Supplied individually
Sign of the Cross. Greeting. Penitential Act – forms 1, 2 & 3. The Absolution. Kyrie. Gloria,
First Reading. Psalm. Second Reading. The Gospel (heading with response). The Homily. Profession of Faith. The Nicene Creed. The Apostles’ Creed. The Prayer of the Faithful (heading with response),
Orate Fratres. The Eucharistic Prayer. Preface Dialogue. The Sanctus. The Mystery of Faith. The Doxology and Great Amen
• The Communion Rite:
The Lord’s Prayer. The Sign of Peace. Breaking of the Bread (Lamb of God). Invitation to Communion. Communion
The Blessing. The Dismissal.
Printed in full colour / 1 sheet / 8 pages / Folded to: (closed size) 4 1/8”(w) x 8”(h) (106 x 205 mm)

Mass Altar Card
An Altar Card for priests in Latin and English (new English translation of the Mass). A4 card (2 pages)
This encapsulated card reproduces the text of the prayers of consecration in both the new English translation and the ordinary form Latin equivalent (Latin on one side, English on the other).
It sits on the altar and will assist priests in saying Mass in the new translation and in the original Latin.
Dimensions: 29.7cm by 21cm
Number of Pages: 2

Mass Response Card
The responses from the new English translation of the Mass, printed on a pocket-sized card. This card contains just the people's responses from the text of the new English translation of the Order of Mass. A handy pocket reference for those learning the responses. Please note that this card is concertina-fold.
Dimensions: 7.4cm by 10.5cm
Number of Pages: 6