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North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set

Funeral Pall Sets for Coffin/Casket

A pall (also called mortcloth) is a cloth that covers a casket or coffin at funerals. The word comes from the Latin pallium (cloak), through Old English. It is also is a stiffened square card covered with white linen, usually embroidered with a cross or some other appropriate symbol. The purpose of the pall is to keep dust and insects from falling into the Eucharistic elements in a chalice. The derivation is the same: the cloth is named after the presumed cloth that covered Jesus.

The use of a rich cloth pall to cover the casket or coffin during the funeral grew during the Middle Ages; initially these were brightly coloured and patterned, only later black, and later still white. They were usually then given to the Church to use for vestments or other decorations.

The rules for the pall's colour and use vary depending on religious and cultural traditions. Commonly today palls are pure white, to symbolize the white clothes worn during baptism and the joyful triumph over death brought about by the Resurrection. The colour is not fixed, though, and may vary with the liturgical season. Traditionally, it is common for the pall, as well as the vestments of the clergy to be black. The pall will often be decorated with a cross, often running the whole length of the cloth from end to end in all four directions, signifying the sovereignty of Christ's triumph over sin and death on the cross.


The pall is placed on the casket or coffin as soon as it arrives at the church and will remain on the coffin during all of proceedings in the church.

If the family members wish to view the deceased, this would normally be done previously at the funeral home before the casket or coffin is brought to the church; but customs will vary from denomination to denomination. The pall will be removed at the graveside, just before the casket or coffin is lowered into the ground.

If the remains are to be cremated, the pall-covered casket or coffin will go through a curtain, and the pall will be removed.

Our funeral palls are made to order and take circa 3-4 weeks.

North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set

Damask Funeral Pall - FPD-01:


Size 330 x 210cm (LxD)


Funeral Pall made from damask fabric with woven bands and centre embroidered gold orphrey on velvet centre emblem (cross). 

The Funeral Pall is unlined so it does not slide from the casket.



Available in the following colours: (Black, white, cream, purple)

Black Damask
White Damask
Cream Damask
Purple Damask

We are also able to offer you the complete Funeral set either comprising Funeral Pall and matching Chasuble or Dalmatic or the Funeral Pall complete with Chasbuble and matching Dalmatic for a complete look.

North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set

Damask Funeral Pall Set - FPD-01SET:


330 x 210cm (LxD) Funeral Pall made from damask fabric with woven bands and centre embroidered gold orphrey on velvet centre emblem (cross). 


Lined in matching colour. 


Complete with matching Vestments, lined (vestments only) and with applicable stoles included.  Available with Chasuble only or as a set including the Dalmatic also.


(Dalmatic does not feaure embroidered cross.  This is applied to the Funeral Pall and Chasuble only).

Available in the following colours: (Black, white, cream, purple)

Black Damask
White Damask
Cream Damask
Purple Damask

To fully complete the set we also offer the matching Funeral Cope with the same matching, woven bands and as above and rear hanging tassel on hood...

North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set
North East Church Supplies Funeral Pall Set

Damask Funeral Cope - FP-KY113:

Matching Funeral Cope in woven damask fabric, matching semi gothic style orphreys and centre rear hood tassel to complete the set. 


Lined in matching colour lining fabric.

Black Damask

Available in the following colours: (Black, white, cream, purple)

White Damask
Cream Damask
Purple Damask
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