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hanging crosses & crucifixes
The Christian cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus, is the best-known symbol of Christianity. It is related to the crucifix (a cross that includes a corpus, usually a three-dimensional representation of Jesus' body) and to the more general family of cross symbols, the term cross itself being detached from the original specifically Christian meaning in modern English (as in many other western languages).
The basic forms of the cross are the Latin cross with unequal arms and the Greek cross with equal arms, besides numerous variants, partly with confessional significance, such as the tau cross, the double-barred cross, triple-barred cross, cross-and-crosslets, and many heraldic variants, such as the cross potent, cross pattée, cross moline, cross fleury, etc.
We can offer a small range of Mahogany hanginging crosses and crucifixes that can be wall mounted and are ideally suited for church, chapel, school and home

Natural Stain Finish Hanging Cross
Natural stain finish Hanging Wooden Cross. Plain finish design and made from solid mahogany.
Available in a wide choice of sizes.

Dark Stain Finish Hanging Cross
Dark stain finish Hanging Wooden Cross. Plain finish design and made from solid mahogany.
Available in a wide choice of sizes.

Dark Stain Finish Hanging Corpus Cross
Dark stain finish Hanging Wooden Corpus Cross (Crucifix style). Beautifully hand carved and made from solid Mahogany.
Available in a wide choice of sizes.

Dark Stain Finish Dove Cross
Beautiful and skillfully hand crafted 20cm solid Mahogany hanging wooden cross.
Dove in flight carved to centre.

Dark Stain Finish Traditional Dove Cross
Traditional mahogany 40cm hanging cross with gold plated Dove centre piece.
A wonderful looking hanging cross.

Natural Stain Finish "Jesus" Cross
Ornate and wonderfully sculptured, hanging, Mahogany "JESUS" wooden cross.
"Jesus" name makes up the cross
25cm in length.

Natural Stain Finish "God" Cross
Ornate and wonderfully sculptured, hanging, Mahogany "GOD" wooden cross.
"God" name makes up the cross
25cm in length.

Traditional Olive Wood Hanging Cross
Holy Land Olive Wood hanging cross available in two popular sizes. 6" and 8" heights.
Ideal for churches, chapel, home and school for that traditional look.