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Sets of Chasubles
A range of chasubles forming sets in matching fabrics and designs. Available in sets of 4, 5, 6 and more garments.
In order to save yourself £'s when ordering chasubles, we are able to offer sets of coordinating garments in all of the liturgical colours. You can also compliment your chasuble set with our range of Dalmatics and Copes as well as our very popular Burses and Veils. You can buy a FULL SET of Vestments from NECS for the same price as other suppliers charge for one.
1. No huge margins 2. Great Value 3. Superb Service
That's just 3 reasons why you should buy your vestments from us and by buying your sets from NECS you can save OVER £200+ on your purchase against other suppliers of the same/similar garments, giving you more choice and flexibility. Lined or unlined vestments, the choice is yours so you can truly customise your purchase with NECS.
All Chasubles are standard sized as below or simply have yours made to your own size requirements, you decide
Length - 130cm front
Length - 130cm back
Total length - 260cm
Width - 160cm
We offer many styles of chasubles from the menus above and you may form the set that you require from there, but the featured sets below have been the favourites
with our customers for over ten years and make a popular selection...

A round neck, semi-gothic style brocade fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Gold & Purple/Gold. Y-Shape Orphreys to front and rear.

A round neck, semi-gothic style brocade fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Gold & Purple/Gold. Y-Shape Orphreys to front and rear.
CSET-01 Brocade Fabric Semi Gothic Style Chasuble Set 4
A round neck, semi-gothic style brocade fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Gold & Purple/Gold. Y-Shape Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A round neck, semi-gothic style damask fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red.

Additional Colour: Rose Pink

Additional Colour: Gold/Red

A round neck, semi-gothic style damask fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red.
CSET-02 (201) Damask Fabric Semi Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A round neck, semi-gothic style damask fabric chasuble set 4. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. Y-Shape Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble set (4). A gold/red decorative central orphrey band to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble set (4). A gold/red decorative central orphrey band to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble set (4). A gold/red decorative central orphrey band to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble set (4). A gold/red decorative central orphrey band to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
SET-CPM000453 Gothic Woven Fabric Chasuble Set 4
A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble set (4). A gold/red decorative central orphrey band to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
In Unlined version only. Expertly made in Italy by our craftsmen
The set comprises of Red, Ivory, Green & Purple
Leadtime - circa 4-6 weeks.

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
CSET-03 (013) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. The set comes in White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical. If you require a cream chasuble instead of white, then please confirm this with your order by email.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Gold, Green, Red, Purple.

Additional Colours: Rose Pink

Additional Colours: Black

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Gold, Green, Red, Purple.
CSET-04 (030) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Gold, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. Modern, panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.

Additional Colours: Rose Pink

Additional Colours: Gold/Red

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.
CSET-05 (044) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Rose Pink and Gold/Red. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. IHS panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.

Additional Colours: Rose Pink

Additional Colours: Black

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.
CSET-06 (103) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black or Rose Pink. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set or 6pc Set. Jerusalem Cross narrow panel orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.

Optional Colours: Gold/Red

Optional Colours: Rose PInk

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.
CSET-13 (010) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Gold/Red or Rose Pink. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. Eucharist woven panels to front & rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Roman style Fiddleback damask fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.

Additional Colours: Gold

Additional Colours: Rose Pink

A Roman style Fiddleback damask fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple.
CSET-16 (R-25) Damask Fabric Roman Style Chasuble Set
A Roman style Fiddleback damask fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Gold or Rose Pink. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. The set includes Chasuble, Roman Stole, Chalice Veil, Maniple & Burse.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Lined as standard with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Gold/Red or Rose Pink.

A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Gold/Red or Rose Pink.
CSET-17 (104) Woven Fabric Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours White, Green, Red, Purple. You can also add, as extra garments, Black, Gold/Red or Rose Pink. Available as a 4pc Set, 5pc Set, 6pc Set or 7pc Set. Maltese Cross woven panels to front & rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble. woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Set 4 colours (Green, Red, Cream, Purple)

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble. woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Red

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble. woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Green

A Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasuble. woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Set 4 colours (Green, Red, Cream, Purple)

CSET-372 Gothic Woven Fabric Chasuble Set
A set 4 colours, Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
ASet includes 4 colours: Red, Purple, Cream, Purple. Leadtime - circa 4-6 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements.

A set 4 colours, Full Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole

A set 4 colours, Full Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole

A set 4 colours, Full Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole

A set 4 colours, Full Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole

CSET-285 Full Gothic Woven Fabric Chasuble Set
A set 4 colours, Full Gothic style neck, woven fabric chasubles. Woven fabric central, wide Orphreys to front and rear. Complete with stole. Front and back of a chasuble are identical and feature gold thread decorative embroidery to front/rear and around neckline.
Chasuble made of light, comfortable-to-wear fabric which is machine washable.
Choose from unlined or lined with colour coordinated lining fabric for added weight, drape and garment shape.
ASet includes 4 colours: Red, Purple, Cream, Purple. Leadtime - circa 4-6 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements.

A Full Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A Full Gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2073 Woven Fabric Full Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A Full Gothic style, lined, woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set. The chasubles are made from easy to care for polyester with detachable scapular made up of two stoles present in both the front and back of the chasuble with gold thread cross embroidery
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A modern style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A modern style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2447 Woven Fabric Modern Style Chasuble Set
A modern style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set. A lightweight and wide fitting chasuble set with a distinct V-Neck. This is an original model both in terms of cut and the shape of the neckline. The decoration, which is the same on the front and back, is obtained with a rich and elegant galloon measuring 9cm wide. Complete with stole.
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. Contact us with your required measurements

A medieval style pure silk fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A medieval style pure silk fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2699 Silk Fabric Medieval Style Chasuble Set
A medieval style pure silk fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
A beautiful Medieval cut chasuble set refined in pure silk with orphrey and neck embroidered on Dupion fabric, colour on colour. This particular embroidery highlights a 3D effect thanks to the use of special shiny threads. Each cross has a Swarovski of the colour of the liturgy in the centre.
The joining of the neck to the orphrey band on the front is embellished with golden stones of the same colour of the chasuble. Complete with stole.
Specialist clean only.
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A beautiful, modern chasuble in mixed wool fabric. A stylised cross is embroidered onto the orphrey band on a white background.

A beautiful, modern chasuble in mixed wool fabric. A stylised cross is embroidered onto the orphrey band on a white background.
CSET-2673 Wool Fabric Full Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A beautiful, modern chasuble in mixed wool fabric. A stylised cross is embroidered onto the orphrey band on a white background. The embroidery is repeated on the front and back of the chasuble. In full Gothic neckline styling
Available in Cream. Green, Red & Purple
Complete with stole
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2728 Woven Fabric Full Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A full gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set. A lightweight polyester chasuble set with ornate gold cross embroidery to front and rear. Ideal for Summer or hot climates.
Complete with stole.
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2729 Woven Fabric Full Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A full gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set. A lightweight polyester chasuble set with ornate gold cross & wheat embroidery to front and rear. Ideal for Summer or hot climates.
Complete with stole.
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.

A full gothic style woven fabric polyester chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set.
CSET-2733 Woven Fabric Full Gothic Style Chasuble Set
A full gothic style woven fabric chasuble set. Available in colours Cream, Green, Red, Purple as a 4-piece set. A lightweight polyester chasuble set with modern gold cross embroidery to front and rear. Ideal for Summer or hot climates.
Complete with stole.
Machine washable
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A traditional Roman styled "Fiddleback" shape Chasuble set. Made from beautiful velvet fabric which adds a touch of weight and drape to the garment so they look wonderful when worn by the celebrant. The front and rear orphreys panels are woven in place and feature decorative crosses and fruit of the vine.

Additional Colours: Cream

Additional Colours: Black/Purple

A traditional Roman styled "Fiddleback" shape Chasuble set. Made from beautiful velvet fabric which adds a touch of weight and drape to the garment so they look wonderful when worn by the celebrant. The front and rear orphreys panels are woven in place and feature decorative crosses and fruit of the vine.
All 5 pc sets including:
Roman Chasuble, Roman Stole, Maniple, Burse & Chalice Veil
CSET-A-R001A Roman Style Chasuble Set
A traditional Roman styled "Fiddleback" shape Chasuble set. Made from beautiful velvet fabric which adds a touch of weight and drape to the garment so they look wonderful when worn by the celebrant. The front and rear orphreys panels are woven in place and feature decorative crosses and fruit of the vine.
These 5 piece sets include Chasuble, Roman Stole, Maniple, Chalice Veil & Burse all in matching fabric and colour and all lined on the underside.
Available as a standard set 4 (Red, White, Purple, Green). Add other colours to create 5, 6 or 7pc sets - Other colours available: Rose Pink, Cream, Black, Blue/Cream. Save £'s when buying as an extended full set colours...
Specialist clean only
Leadtime - circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear vertical orphrey in deep, lush velvet which adds a beautiful contrasting touch. Complete with stole.

Additional Colours: Rose Pink

Additional Colours: Gold/Red

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear vertical orphrey in deep, lush velvet which adds a beautiful contrasting touch. Complete with stole.
Decorative damask fabric chasubles:
Front & Rear orphrey in rich velvet fabric. With Priest Stoles.
CSET-G000-25V Semi Gothic Style Damask Chasuble Set
A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear vertical orphrey in deep, lush velvet which adds a beautiful contrasting touch. Complete with stole.
Each with a rounded Semi Gothic style neckline.
Available as a standard set 4 (Red, White, Purple, Green). Add other solours to create 5, 6 or 7pc sets - Other colours available: Rose Pink, Black, Gold/Red. Save £'s when buying as an extended full set colours...
Specialist clean only
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come. It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear Y-orphrey in deep, lush velvet with gold edging

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come. It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear Y-orphrey in deep, lush velvet with gold edging
Decorative damask fabric chasubles:
Front & Rear Y-orphrey in rich velvet fabric and edged in gold. With Priest Stoles.
CSET-GY000G Semi Gothic Style Damask Chasuble Set
A decorative, floral damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear Y-orphrey in deep, lush velvet with gold edging which adds a beautiful contrasting touch.
Each with a rounded Semi Gothic style neckline.
Available as a standard set 4 (Red, Cream, Purple, Green).
Specialist clean only
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining (optional) to protect the outer fabric for years to come. It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear "V" style woven brocade orphrey which is expertly edged in gold which adds a beautiful contrasting touch.

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining (optional) to protect the outer fabric for years to come. It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble. Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear "V" style woven brocade orphrey which is expertly edged in gold which adds a beautiful contrasting touch.
CSET-GV143 Semi Gothic Style Woven Chasuble Set
A plain woven fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
Each chasuble is finished with a front & rear "V" style woven brocade orphrey which is expertly edged in gold which adds a beautiful contrasting touch.
Each with a rounded Semi Gothic style neckline and complete with stole.
Available as a standard set 4 (Red, White, Purple, Green). You can also add White/Black as an additional option
Machine washable
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with an embroidered front and rear panel style orphrey in rich velvet upon which a golden embroidery is sewn. Offered as a set of 4 as standard (Red, Purple, White/Red, Green)

Additional colours available: Rose Pink, White/Blue, Gold/Red & Black

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with an embroidered front and rear panel style orphrey in rich velvet upon which a golden embroidery is sewn. Offered as a set of 4 as standard (Red, Purple, White/Red, Green)
CSET-G54 Full Gothic Style Damask Chasuble Set
A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
Each chasuble is finished with an embroidered front and rear panel style orphrey in rich velvet upon which a golden embroidery is sewn.
The full Gothic style neckline is also styled in velvet to match that of the front and rear orphrey panels.
Offered as a set of 4 as standard (Red, Purple, White/Red, Green) or add the Deep Rose Pink, White/Blue Marian, Gold and/or Black to the set also to complete the entire look and take care of all feasts and celebrations.
Specialist clean only
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with a Y-orphrey front and rear with a symbolic IHS centre embroidered emblem to both front and rear.

Additional colours that may be added to the set 4: Black, Gold/Red

A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each chasuble is finished with a Y-orphrey front and rear with a symbolic IHS centre embroidered emblem to both front and rear.
CSET-201-IHS25 Gothic Style Damask Chasuble Set
A decorative, damask fabric chasuble set with matching Priest Stole included. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
Each chasuble is finished with a Y-orphrey front and rear with a symbolic IHS centre embroidered emblem to both front and rear. Standard Gothic style with rear cowl collar neckline.
The set of 4 comprises of Green, Red, Cream and Purple as standard with matching coloured linings (Optional).
Why not opt to extend the set with the addition of the Rose Pink, Gold/Red and Black versions? You can save £'s when bought as an extended set too!
Machine washable
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A damask chasuble set with velvet front and rear orphrey panels upon which we apply a decoaryive IHS golden thread embroidery. Standard Gothic cowl neckline and complete with Stole. The standard set 4 comprises Red, Green, Purple & White colours. The full set 5 vestments also includes the Cream/Red option

A damask chasuble set with velvet front and rear orphrey panels upon which we apply a decoaryive IHS golden thread embroidery. Standard Gothic cowl neckline and complete with Stole. The standard set 4 comprises Red, Green, Purple & White colours. The full set 5 vestments also includes the Cream/Red option
CSET-133-25 Gothic Style Damask Chasuble Set
A damask chasuble set with velvet front and rear orphrey panels upon which we apply a decorative IHS golden thread embroidery. Standard Gothic cowl neckline and complete with Stole. Each garment features a matching colour lining to protect the outer fabric for years to come (optional). It also adds weight and drape to the chasuble when added to the garment.
The standard set 4 comprises Red, Green, Purple & White colours.
The full set 5 vestments also includes the Cream/Red option Chasuble & Stole.
The set of 4 comprises of Green, Red, White and Purple as standard with matching coloured linings (Optional).
Why not opt to extend the set with the addition of the Cream/Red option too? You can save £'s when bought as an extended set.
Machine washable
Made to order in circa 6-8 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements

A Roman style 5pc, Limited Edition Damask fabric & Velvet Low Mass embroidered Chasuble Set, depcting detailed IHS and vines. Lined as standard and comes complete with Roman style stole, chalice veil, maniple and burse.

A Roman style 5pc, Limited Edition Damask fabric & Velvet Low Mass embroidered Chasuble Set, depcting detailed IHS and vines. Lined as standard and comes complete with Roman style stole, chalice veil, maniple and burse.

A Roman style 5pc, Limited Edition Damask fabric & Velvet Low Mass embroidered Chasuble Set, depcting detailed IHS and vines. Lined as standard and comes complete with Roman style stole, chalice veil, maniple and burse.

A Roman style 5pc, Limited Edition Damask fabric & Velvet Low Mass embroidered Chasuble Set, depcting detailed IHS and vines. Lined as standard and comes complete with Roman style stole, chalice veil, maniple and burse.

CSET-373D Roman Style Chasuble Set
A Roman style 5pc, Limited Edition Damask fabric & Velvet Low Mass embroidered Chasuble Set, depcting detailed IHS and vines. Lined as standard and comes complete with Roman style stole, chalice veil, maniple and burse.
Gold braid decoration and edging to front and rear as shown
The set of 4 comprises of Green, Red, Cream/Gold and Purple as standard with matching coloured linings
Made to order in circa 6 weeks. We can also make to your own sizing at no extra cost. Contact us with your required measurements