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Books & Missals (Clergy)
A range of Clergy Missals suitable for Weekday and Sunday services, supplemetary guides and cards for both clergy and the people, altar, chapel and study Missal editions... you name it, we have it. All you need to confidently lead as well as follow the Holy Mass.
he English Missal is a translation of the Latin Missal. This Latin Missale Romanum is the foundation document for translations into other languages. It means that across the world, though the language and local customs may be different, the form of the Mass and the content of the prayers is the same. The Missal is therefore a sign of the unity of the Church
A new translation of the Mass has been prepared for the English-speaking world. The current translation used in England and Wales was prepared in the late 1960s following the renewal of the liturgy after the Second Vatican Council.
After the Second Vatican Council, people had a great desire to pray the Mass in their own language. The initial translation, which we now have been using for about 40 years, was produced quickly in response to this desire. Early on it was recognised that the translation would need to redone.
Though our current translation has served the Church's prayer for the last 40 years, it was widely felt that it could be improved. The original translators, following the Church's
then guidelines on translation, chose a direct, plain style. Often this meant simplifying the texts of the prayers. One thing that people will notice about the new translation is
that it is richer in style, in content and in such things as scriptural allusions.
Clergy Altar Missal
The standard ritual edition of the Missal for use in England and Wales, Scotland, and Australia. Deluxe Leather. 1566 Pages,
Dimensions: 19x27cm.
Beauty & Durability
Binding. Bound in deluxe genuine padded Italian leather.
Cover decoration. Gold decorative blocking on front, back and spine, plus Florentine gold blocking on inside lip of cover. Cruciform design based on Byzantine St George’s cross; border design inspired by Ingeborg Psalter.
Durable spine. Ribbed spine gives greater durability and ensures the volume lies flat and keeps its shape over time.
Strong binding. Endpapers made of extra-strong tear-resistant Skinplast® to ensure durability.
Gilded page edges.
Colour illustrations. Full-colour illustrations from the 12th-century Ingeborg Psalter (Musée Condé), printed on high-quality art paper.
Ease of use
Leather tabs. 18 hand-placed genuine leather tabs with gold blocking to mark each page of the 4 main Eucharistic Prayers, and the principal rites (Communion Rite, Blessings, etc).
Ribbons. Six liturgically-coloured 25mm-wide ribbons with hand-sewn butterfly ends to ensure no fraying. Expertly joined to the volume to prevent tangling.
National Propers. Contains National Propers for England and Wales, Scotland, all placed in the Proper of Saints with each in its correct place (i.e. not placed separately in an appendix).
Concelebration. All Eucharistic Prayers, including those for Reconciliation, are annotated for up to 4 concelebrants.
Index. Fully indexed, including National Propers.
Clarity of the page
Paper. Cream, low-reflectivity, high-contrast paper: thicker, more durable 100 gsm for Order of Mass, 60 gsm for other, less-frequently used parts. Sustainably sourced, archive grade.
Text. Typeset in specially modified version of Stone font for maximum readability, with rubrics in red. Size is 13.5 pt.
Music. Every preface is set to music in easy-to-read five-line notation. A CD is available from CTS to assist priests in learning this.
Careful protection
Storage pouch. Protective tailored red flannel storage pouch to keep your Missal in pristine condition.
Excerpts from the Roman Missal
"Book of the Chair"
Excerpts from the Roman Missal, leather bound and gold blocked in beautifully illustrated full colour. Black & red text on high quality ivory paper.
Gilt edged with 4 x stain ribbons.
Font size 13.5pt
The Excerpts from the Roman Missal Book has been a much-requested publication since the publication of the new translation of the Roman Missal in 2010. The book contains prayers said from the chair.
Following Vatican approval, it is a welcome addition to the Liturgical Books used at Sunday and other Masses. It is a fraction of the weight of the Altar and Chapel Missals and offers a practical and portable alternative for use at the chair whether on a lectern or held by an altar server.
The book contains prayers said from the chair for Sundays and feast days reproduced in a beautifully bound and durable volume. The text is large and legible even at a distance, set at full Altar Missal size with clear indications for the prayers said before and after the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Sundays throughout the year and Feasts and Solemnities from the Proper of Time as well as Ritual Masses and the Common of the dedication of a church are included along with Appendices such as the Sprinkling of Water, sample Universal Prayers and alternative invocations for the Penitential Act.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony (Scotland)
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony (Scotland).
By: ICEL, Bishops' Conference of Scotland
Format: Hardback
Dimensions: 162 mm by 230 mm
ISBN : 9781784691431
Number of Pages: 153
This new ritual book contains the mandatory text for the Order of Celebrating Matrimony, based on the second typical edition, for exclusive use in Scotland.
An expanded introduction gives a deeper exposition of the Church’s theology of Marriage and a useful basis for homilies at weddings.
The new ritual book contains full texts for:
• Matrimony within Mass
• Matrimony without Mass
• Order for celebrating Matrimony between a Catholic and Catechumen or non-baptised person.
A full listing of the expanded lectionary choices for matrimony is included and readings which speak explicitly of Matrimony (one of which must now be used) are indicated.
Examples are given of Universal prayers that can be used in the wedding service and an expanded selection of Blessings
Additional new rituals are given in the appendices including:
• Blessing of an engaged couple
• Blessing of a couple on an anniversary including sample formulas for a renewal of commitment and blessing of new or existing rings.
• Order of convalidation.
Beautifully produced in a portable format in gold blocked red leather with gilt edges, with three ribbons.
(Texts of civil declaration and consent are valid for Scotland only.)
Study Missal (for clergy)
The standard ritual edition of the Missal for use in England and Wales, Scotland, and Australia, in a scaled-down reference edition for reference, study and liturgical planning. Leatherette, 1566 Pages.
Dimensions: 12x17cm
The Study Missal is a scaled-down reference version of the Altar Missal, designed for use in liturgical planning and study. For use in England, Wales and Scotland.
It is also suitable as a highly portable Missal that priests can use for house Masses or when travelling. It reproduces in full the contents of the Altar Missal, scaled down by 26% and in full colour. The pagination matches exactly the Altar Missal.
• Binding. Bound in flexible Leatherlike®
• Cover decoration. Gold decorative blocking on front, back and spine. Cruciform design based on Byzantine St George’s cross.
• Colour illustrations. Full-colour illustrations from the 12th-century Ingeborg Psalter (Musée Condé).
• Ribbons. Six liturgically-coloured
• 6mm-wide ribbons.
• National Propers.Contains National Propers for England and Wales, Scotland, all placed throughout the Missal with each in its correct place (i.e. not placed separately in an appendix).
• Index. Fully indexed, including National Propers.
• Paper. High-contrast white 45 gsm paper throughout. Sustainably sourced, archive grade.
• Text. Typeset in specially modified version of Stone font for maximum readability with rubrics in red. Size is 9.5 pt.
• Music. Every preface is set to music in easy-to-read five-line notation.
Divine Worship – Ordinariate Study Missal (for Clergy)
A photo reduction of Divine Worship: The Missal released following the landmark decision by Pope Benedict XVI to open the doors of the Catholic Church to Christians of Anglican Patrimony who wished to continue to worship using the forms and words of the Book of Common Prayer.
Dimensions: 12x17cm. Number of pages: 1086
A new, smaller-sized ritual edition of the Divine Worship Missal, useful for reference and liturgical planning.
These texts for the celebration of Mass have been approved and promulgated by the Holy See for use in the Personal Ordinariates established under the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus. This Missal will foster the noble and worthy celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in the Ordinariates worldwide, and provide an essential study text for all who love the Church’s worship.
Includes the Order of Mass, Proper of Time and Sanctoral cycle with votive, ritual and Masses for the dead with all the main liturgical texts set to music.
Book of Eucharistic Devotions
Leather bound and gold blocked, with black and red text on high quality ivory paper, with gilt edges and satin ribbons.
Font size: 10pt
Dimensions: 162mm by 230mm. Number of Pages: 160
This compendium of rites and devotions is a vital resource for clergy, ministers and others leading public Eucharistic Adoration, and provides an excellent and fitting aid to support and nurture Eucharistic Adoration.
All texts included are the approved versions, and include the Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction, accompanied by a selection of scripture texts, litanies, prayers, meditations and devotions to support adoration and prayer during and after Exposition. Excerpts of magisterial texts on the Eucharist and adoration are included for reference.
Leather bound and gold blocked, beautifully illustrated in full colour, with black and red text on high-quality ivory paper, with gilt edges and satin ribbons.
All texts included are the approved versions, and include the Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction, accompanied by a selection of scripture texts, litanies, prayers, meditations and devotions to support adoration and prayer during and after Exposition. Excerpts of magisterial texts on the Eucharist and adoration are included for reference.
Divine Worship - Occasional Services
Holy Matrimony and the Order of Funerals by Ordinariates - Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus
Leather bound, smyth sewn, gilt edges and 2x 6mm ribbons
Dimensions: 24cm by 17cm
Number of Pages: 160
For use by: Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (United Kingdom), Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter (USA), Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (Australia).
The Order for the celebration of Holy Baptism and confirmation for adults and older children, the rite of infant baptism, Holy Matrimony and the Order of Funerals, approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship for the Ordinariates established under the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus.
This beautifully bound ritual edition is produced in bonded leather with gilt edges with two ribbons.
The text also includes readings in the RSV 2nd Catholic Edition for use at weddings and funerals.
• The first Liturgical book authorised for the Ordinariates using adapted texts from the Book of Common Prayer.
• Contains readings for the occasions in RSV version of the Bible.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony
By: ICEL; Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales.
Format: Hardback
Dimensions: 162mm by 230mm
Number of Pages: 152
Beautifully produced in a portable format in gold blocked white leather with gilt edges, three ribbons and a durable slipcase.
The new Order of Celebrating Matrimony is not a re-translation but a new Rite which was mandatory in England & Wales from Easter 2016.
An expanded introduction gives a deeper exposition of the Church’s theology of Marriage and a useful basis for homilies at weddings.
The new Rite contains full texts for:
• Marriage within Mass
• Marriage without Mass
• Order for celebrating Matrimony between a Catholic and Catechumen or non-baptised person.
A full listing of the expanded lectionary choices for marriage is included and readings which speak explicitly of Marriage (one of which must now be used) are indicated.
Examples are given of Universal prayers that can be used in the wedding service and an expanded selection of Blessings
New rituals are included in the appendices including:
• Blessing of an engaged couple
• Blessing of a couple on an anniversary including sample formulas for a renewal of commitment and blessing of new or existing rings.
• Order of convalidation.
Find out more and see frequently asked questions about this new rite here.
(Texts of civil declaration and consent are valid for England and Wales only - not Scotland) - see above for Scottish edition.
The Order of Confirmation
By: ICEL; Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales
Format: Hardback
Dimensions: 190mm by 270mm
Number of Pages: 64
Beautifully produced in full sized format gold blocked red leather with gilt edges, two ribbons and a durable slipcase. This is a new translation of the rite of Confirmation from the Roman Pontifical. The new translation was made mandatory in England, Wales and Scotland from the Easter Vigil of 2016.
Priests will need to use the new translation of the Rite when confirming candidates with a faculty from the bishop or when confirming candidates during the Easter Vigil.
• Rite of Confirmation within Mass
• Rite of Confirmation outside Mass
• Rite of Confirmation to be administered in danger of death.
Other texts to be used during the Mass are provided including sample universal prayers, texts to be inserted in the Eucharistic prayers and the full list of suggested readings in reference form.
Holy Week Missal (for clergy)
A practical Missal for use by priests during the Holy Week liturgies. This Holy Week Missal for priests is a comprehensive extract from the Roman Missal.
With all the liturgies from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. For ease of use, there are also four ribbons, to make it simple to move between the various rites and prayers which characterize these solemn liturgies.
Leatherbound hardback gilt-edged pages.
Dimensions: 16cm by 23cm
The liturgies of Holy Week are among the most complex and beautiful of the Church’s year, requiring preparation and, often, the celebration of various rites away from the sanctuary.
This Holy Week Missal for priests is a comprehensive extract from the Roman Missal with all the liturgies from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It is light and portable and contains supplementary ICEL chant for Holy Week.
For ease of use, there are also four ribbons, to make it simple to move between the various rites and prayers which characterize these solemn liturgies.
Beautiful as well as functional, the Missal contains four full-colour illustrations, taken from the full Roman Missal. High-quality materials, illustrations and binding mean the Holy Week Missal continues the theme of beauty and dignity which has been a vital part of the New Roman Missal project since its beginning.
Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children (For Priests)
For use with the Roman Missal, third edition
Ritual Edition of the Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children (I, II and III with options for use inside and outside Easter time) updated for compatibility with the new translation of the Mass in English.
Leatherbound in fine Italian Bonded leather with gilt edges and a satin ribbon. Dimensions: 16.2cm by 23cm. Number of Pages: 56
Using simpler language and more frequent acclamations all set to music for more active participation by the children. Also contains the Communion Rite.
Eucharistic Prayers for Concelebration
For up to four concelebrants. This is the booklet needed for each concelebrating priest to assist them in saying Mass. 72 pages
Suitable for up to four concelebrants. This book contains the following Eucharistic Payers:
Eucharistic Prayers I-IV
Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation I
Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II
Eucharistic Prayer for Use in Masses for Various Needs I-IV
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
The guidelines for celebrating the Mass, from the new English edition of the Roman Missal. A5 Booklet.
Dimensions: 14.8cm by 21cm.
Number of Pages: 184
The new General Instruction of the Roman Missal contains the main liturgical norms for the worthy celebration of the Mass. This user-friendly format will be an invaluable aid for all priests and parishes. This text also includes the universal norms for the liturgical year and the general Roman calendar.
This new edition also contains all the derogations and exceptions for England, Wales and Scotland that were recently incorporated into the Instruction for the new English translation of the Missal.
4578 - Pastoral Care of the Sick
The guidelines for annointing the sick and viaticum. Plastic binding.
Dimensions: 11cm by 16.5cm.
Number of Pages: 383
4347 - Rite of Baptism for Children
The guidelines and easy to follow text for the Baptism of Children. For use by the clergy. Hardback format.
Dimensions: 22cm by 14cm.
Number of Pages: 170