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Communion Bread/Wafers
A host is a portion of bread used for Holy Communion in many Christian churches. In Western Christianity the host is often a thin, round unleavened wafer.
The word 'host' is derived from the Latin, hostia, which means 'sacrifice'. The term can be used to describe the bread both before and after consecration, though it is more correct to use it after consecration - "altar bread" being preferred before consecration. Western theology teaches that at the Words of Institution the bread is changed or altered (known as either transubstantiation or transignification according to tradition or denomination) into the Body of Christ, while Eastern theology sees the epiclesis as no less necessary.
Here at North East Church Supplies we offer our Altar Breads in both white and wholemeal and feature sealed edges and single cross pattern designs where applicable.
A massive range of sizes and styles available - Wafers for the people, clergy, concelebration and Low Gluten varieties.

"Sacramental bread, sometimes called the Lamb, Host, Wafers or simply Communion Bread, is the bread which is used in the Christian ritual of the Eucharist."

Communion Bread/Wafers - JARS
Our sealed edge, single cross design communion wafers are available in convenient, sealed jars of 1,000pcs (1 1/8" / 29mm) or 800pcs (1 3/8" / 35mm). Available in both white and wholemeal varieties.
Sealed edge for minimum crumb.
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Communion Bread/Wafers - ROLLS
Our sealed edge, single cross design communion wafers are available in convenient, boxes which contain 10 x rolls of 100pcs (Total 1,000pcs). Available in standard 1 1/8" / 29mm or larger 1 3/8" / 35mm. Available in both white and wholemeal varieties.
Sealed edge for minimum crumb.
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Clergy Communion Bread/Wafers - BOX
Our sealed edge, single cross design Clergy communion wafers are available in convenient, boxes which contain 50pcs and are a standard 2 3/4" (70mm) size. Available in both white and wholemeal varieties.
Sealed edge for minimum crumb.
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Clergy Concelebration Communion Bread/Wafers - Bag
Availble in two sizes - a larger 13cm (5.25") which is packed in bags of 10pcs and ideal for many celebrants and a smaller 9cm (3.5") which is packed in bags of 50pcs and ideal for a smaller number of celebrants. Both feature the distinctive Kyro design baked into the wafer.
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.
Traditional, Hand Baked Range:
Hand-cut Hosts in Traditional Crucifix design. Available in White and Light Wholemeal. These altar breads are hand-baked and among the finest and freshest in the world. Made from premium grade 100% wheat flour with pure artesian water. Because of their lightness they need to be handled with great care to avoid crumbling.
The breads are packed in a sealed bag to guarantee they are oven-fresh when you receive them. Deluxe quality.

Traditional Design Hand-Baked Communion Bread/Wafers - TUB
These traditional designs come depicting the Crucifix to each wafer and are ideal for all churches. Choices of white or light wholewheat, these wafers are a very popular choice, being light and easy to melt and swallow. Available in two sizes: 1 3/16" size and also a larger 2 5/8" size suitable for clergy Mass Hosts.
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Traditional Design Hand-Baked Communion Bread/Wafers - TUB
These traditional designs come depicting the Holy Cross to each wafer and are ideal for all churches. Supplied in white, these wafers are a very popular choice, being light and easy to melt and swallow. Available in 1.5" size, these deluxe, hand made wafers are very popular for all churches.
Supplied in tubs of 800pcs
Not for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.
Gluten Free Range:
Our Gluten Free range is for those who have a wheat allergy are available in a variety of jars and quantities. Contains Codex wheat, starch & water. Gluten content 20 parts per million. Complies with the Internationale Vindicate for gluten free products in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius. Available in people's hosts as well as celebrant's hosts... These altar breads are hand-baked and among the finest and freshest in the world. Made from gluten free flour (Wheatex 9010 special) with pure artesian water.
Complies with the Internationale Vindicate for gluten free products in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius. The breads are packed in a heavy duty, reusable container which features a lip and groove closure to guarantee the breads are oven-fresh when you receive them.

Gluten Free Square Cut Communion Bread/Wafers - JAR
Jars of 50 Gluten Free wafers are available for congregants with wheat allergies. Baked in a square shape to distinguish them easily from standard round wafers.
PLEASE NOTE- This product is made from SANOSTAR gf wheat starch.
Products that contain a maximum of 20 mg Gluten / kg (20 parts per million (ppm)) may be labelled as "gluten free". This labelling term can apply to naturally gluten free products, products which contain Codex wheat starch and pure, uncontaminated oat products which are less than 20ppm.
​​Suitable for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Gluten Free Round Communion Bread/Wafers - JAR
Jars of 50 Gluten Free wafers are available for congregants with wheat allergies. Round, 1 3/8" (35mm) size and packed in sealed jars to keep the content fresh. Ornate cross and design variety as shown.
PLEASE NOTE- This product is made from SANOSTAR gf wheat starch.
Products that contain a maximum of 20 mg Gluten / kg (20 parts per million (ppm)) may be labelled as "gluten free". This labelling term can apply to naturally gluten free products, products which contain Codex wheat starch and pure, uncontaminated oat products which are less than 20ppm.
​​Suitable for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Premium Quality, Gluten Free Round Communion Bread/Wafers - JAR
Jars of 50 Random Cross, Gluten Free wafers are available for congregants with wheat allergies. Round, 1 3/16" (35mm) size and packed in sealed jars to keep the content fresh.
​​Suitable for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.

Celebrant's, Gluten Free Round Kyro Communion Bread/Wafers - JAR
Available in jars of 25 or 50pcs. Kyro cross design, Gluten Free wafers are available for celebrants with wheat allergies. Round, 2 1/2" (65mm) size and packed in sealed jars to keep the content fresh.
PLEASE NOTE- This product is made from SANOSTAR gf wheat starch.
Products that contain a maximum of 20 mg Gluten / kg (20 parts per million (ppm)) may be labelled as "gluten free". This labelling term can apply to naturally gluten free products, products which contain Codex wheat starch and pure, uncontaminated oat products which are less than 20ppm.
​​Suitable for use by those with a gluten intolerance.
Available from stock.