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Humeral Veil
The humeral veil is one of the liturgical vestments of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. It consists of a piece of cloth draped over the shoulders and down the front, normally of silk or cloth of gold. At the ends there are sometimes pockets in the back for hands to go into so that the wearer can hold items without touching them with his hands. The humeral veil is of the liturgical colours of the days on which it is used, or else is white or cloth of gold.
It is most often seen during the liturgy of Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. When the priest or deacon blesses the people with the monstrance, he covers his hands with the ends of the veil so that his hands do not touch the monstrance, as a mark of respect for the sacred vessel and as an indication that it is Jesus present in the Eucharistic species who blesses the people and not the minister.
The humeral veil is also seen at the Mass of the Lord's Supper when the Ciborium containing the Blessed Sacrament is taken in procession to the place of reposition, and again when it is brought back to the altar without solemnity during the Good Friday service.
In the High Mass form of Tridentine Mass, the subdeacon uses a humeral veil when carrying the chalice, paten, or other sacred vessels, which should be touched only by the deacon.
We offer a range of made to order Humeral Veils and are also able to make your own bespoke design - contact us for this option.
All Humeral Veils feature inner pockets sleeves in which to place hands

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with deep red velvet insert, central panel and end panels. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with deep red velvet insert, central panel and end panels. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with deep red velvet insert, central panel and end panels. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with deep red velvet insert, central panel and end panels. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.
Humeral Veil: HV23b
A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with deep red velvet insert, central panel and end panels. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in red.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A fabric of golden brocade Humeral Veil with embroidered end panels. Features deep red and gold rear cross with crystals.

A fabric of golden brocade Humeral Veil with embroidered end panels. Features deep red and gold rear cross with crystals.

A fabric of golden brocade Humeral Veil with embroidered end panels. Features deep red and gold rear cross with crystals.

A fabric of golden brocade Humeral Veil with embroidered end panels. Features deep red and gold rear cross with crystals.
Humeral Veil: HV136b
A fabric of golden brocade Humeral Veil with embroidered end panels. Features deep red and gold rear cross with crystals. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in cream.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A fabric of cream damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear cross.

A fabric of cream damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear cross.

A fabric of cream damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear cross.

A fabric of cream damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear cross.
Humeral Veil: HV274
A fabric of cream damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear cross. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in cream.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A limited edition cream/golden silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil. Complete with intricate, red/gold rear panel with IHS.

A limited edition cream/golden silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil. Complete with intricate, red/gold rear panel with IHS.

A limited edition cream/golden silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil. Complete with intricate, red/gold rear panel with IHS.

A limited edition cream/golden silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil. Complete with intricate, red/gold rear panel with IHS.
Humeral Veil: HV294B
A limited edition cream/golden silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil. Complete with intricate, red/gold rear panel with IHS.
Comes fully lined. Golden braid decoration and edging. Lined as standard and available to order in circa 5 weeks
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.
Humeral Veil: HV-149b
A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear cross. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in red.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear panel. Features gold thread Chalice embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear panel. Features gold thread Chalice embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear panel. Features gold thread Chalice embroidered applique to rear.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear panel. Features gold thread Chalice embroidered applique to rear.
Humeral Veil: HV-W267
A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and rear panel. Features gold thread Chalice & IHS embroidered applique to rear. Lined in white.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with Gothic style Y orphreys of gold embroidery. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear and braid edge trims.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with Gothic style Y orphreys of gold embroidery. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear and braid edge trims.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with Gothic style Y orphreys of gold embroidery. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear and braid edge trims.

A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with Gothic style Y orphreys of gold embroidery. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear and braid edge trims.
Humeral Veil: HV-W398
A fabric of white damask Humeral Veil with Gothic style Y orphreys of gold embroidery. Features IHS embroidered applique to rear and braid edge trims. Lined in gold.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A beautiful silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil with a plain ends fringe finish. IHS gold thread embroidery to rear with braid finish.

A beautiful silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil with a plain ends fringe finish. IHS gold thread embroidery to rear with braid finish.

A beautiful silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil with a plain ends fringe finish. IHS gold thread embroidery to rear with braid finish.

A beautiful silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil with a plain ends fringe finish. IHS gold thread embroidery to rear with braid finish.
Humeral Veil: HV-W422
A beautiful silk content brocade fabric Humeral Veil with a plain ends fringe finish. IHS gold thread embroidery to rear with braid finish. Lined
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in purple, green, red, white brocade fabric
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear cross.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear cross.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear cross.

A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear cross.
Humeral Veil: HV-W38
A fabric of golden damask Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear cross. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in red.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in other colours - please enquire.
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A woven fabric Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear panel in a golden brocade fabric. Cream

A woven fabric Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear panel in a golden brocade fabric. Cream

A woven fabric Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear panel in a golden brocade fabric. White

A woven fabric Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear panel in a golden brocade fabric. Cream
Humeral Veil: HV143
A woven fabric Humeral Veil with woven end panels and woven rear panel in a golden brocade fabric. With plain ends.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in cream or white fabric
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet end and central panel. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet end and central panel. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet end and central panel. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.

A brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet end and central panel. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear.
Humeral Veil: HV142b-15
A brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet end and central panel. Features gold thread PAX (chi rho) embroidered applique to rear. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in red.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in golden brocade fabric
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

An Italian silk gold & red cross brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

An Italian silk gold & red cross brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

An Italian silk gold & red cross brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.

An Italian silk gold & red cross brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear.
Humeral Veil: HV380
An Italian silk gold & red cross brocade fabric Humeral Veil with deep red velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread IHS embroidery to rear. With gold bullion fringe to each end. Lined in red.
Measures 250x60cm in size.
Available in golden/red silk cross brocade fabric
Made to order in circa 5 weeks.

A white fabric of damask Humeral Veil with cream velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread ornate cross embroidery to rear

A white fabric of damask Humeral Veil with cream velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread ornate cross embroidery to rear

A white fabric of damask Humeral Veil with cream velvet, wide central panel. Features gold thread ornate cross embroidery to rear