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Altar Linens, Palls, Ciborium Veils...
We offer a range of high quality altar linens suiatble for use with and without Eucharist celebration. Our products are made from high quality linen fabric and a discrete cotton laced edging is applied (where applicable) to each item creating a beautiful finished product. As we make our linens in our workshop, we can keep down the prices meaning that you can renew your existing linens without the cost being high.
The purificator (purificatorium or more anciently emunctorium) is a white linen cloth which is used to wipe the chalice after each communicant partakes. It is also used to wipe the chalice and paten after the ablutions which follow Communion.
* The pall (pallium or palla) a stiffened square card or similar covered with white linen, usually embroidered with a cross, or some other appropriate symbol. The purpose of the pall is to keep dust and insects from falling into the Eucharistic elements.
* The corporal is a square white cloth upon which the chalice and paten are placed when the Eucharist is celebrated. It may be edged with fine lace, and a cross or other designs may be embroidered onto it.
* The Lavabo Towel is used by the celebrant to dry his hands after washing them.
* The amice is a liturgical vestment. It consists of a white cloth connected to two long ribbon-like attachments, by which it is fastened around the shoulders of the priest
We can also make custom linens for you so if you have a bespoke requirement, contact us now for a competitive price.

Choose from the following options by clicking in the image:
Simply Linen Range:
Beautiful, plain linens without embroidery and without lace. When you need something simple and plain choose from the Simply Linen Range from North East Church Supplies.
Available from stock
Deluxe Linen Range:
A large range of linens offering various embroidery options and laced edges to create a beautiful product. Many exclusive designs offered to give you a wide choice of products available
Available from stock
Mini (Portable & Travelling) Linen Range:
This range of high quality linens are made in smaller sizes and are ideal for portable mass kits, home and hospital visits by clergy and lay persons alike. Made to the same standards as our Deluxe Range of linen
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