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Italia Range Biretta
The biretta is a square cap with three or four ridges or peaks, sometimes surmounted by a tuft, traditionally worn by Roman Catholic clergy and some Anglican and Lutheran clergy. It is also the term used for a similar cap worn by those holding doctoral degrees from some universities, and is occasionally used for caps worn by advocates in law courts, for instance the Advocates in the Channel Islands.
Its origins are uncertain but is mentioned as early as the tenth century. The most probable origin of the biretta is the academic hat of the high Middle Ages, which was a soft, square cap. The medieval academic hat is also the ancestor of the modern mortarboard hat used today in secular universities. The tuft or pom sometimes seen on the biretta was added later; the earliest forms of the biretta did not bear the device.
The biretta is used by all ranks of the clergy from cardinals to priests, deacons and seminarians. Those worn by cardinals are scarlet red. After the Second Vatican Council the ceremony of giving the galero to Cardinals was replaced with giving the biretta. The biretta of a bishop is amaranth (purple), while those worn by priests, deacons, and seminarians are black. The Pope does not make use of the biretta, instead wearing the more ancient camauro, which Pope Benedict XVI has brought back into use.
The liturgical biretta has three peaks, with the 'peak-less' corner worn on the left side of the head. An academic Biretta has four peaks.
Cardinals bear no tuft or "pom," bishops bear a purple pom, priests who have been appointed as prelates to certain positions within the Vatican wear a black biretta with red pom, diocesan priests and deacons wear a black biretta with or without a black pom. It is often asserted that seminarians are only entitled to wear a biretta without a pom-pom, but there
would seem to be no formal ruling on this point. Priests in religious orders do not usually wear birettas, though the canons of the Order of Prémontré wear a
white biretta and the black biretta is also part of the habit of some other congregations of Canons Regular. The Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri
also wear birettas, but without a pom, regardless of rank
We can also make Doctoral Biretta also - please enquire

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-01
100% Finest Black Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with black silk 'pom'. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-02
100% Finest Black Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with fuchsia (purple) silk 'pom'. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-03
100% Finest Black Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with Crimson (red) silk 'pom'. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-04
100% Finest Amaranth Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with fuchsia silk 'pom'. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-05
100% Finest Amaranth Watered Silk Moire collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with fuchsia silk 'pom'. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-06
100% Finest Scarlet Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with scarlet silk stirpes twisted tuft. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-07
100% Finest Black Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with scarlet silk 'pom' and scarlet trim. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-08
100% Finest Black Silk collapsible, Tri-Corner Biretta with fuchsia silk 'pom' and fuchsia trim. Made in Rome and available within circa 7 days.
Cotton lining.

Italia Range Biretta - IT-BIR-SET4M
Set 4 miniature souvenir Biretta.
All in pure silk (Cardinal's in silk moire). Ideal as a gift or keepsake and can be displayed with pride. Each Biretta measures approx 6x4x6cm. All handmade to order direct from Rome.