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Lavabo Jugs & Bowls
During the Preparation of the Altar and the sacred Gifts, various movements are made by the celebrant/co-celebrants.
The gifts of bread and wine are brought forward and received by the presider at the altar/table. The priest pours a small amount of water into the wine. Finally, after incensing (if applicable), usually the server pours a good quantity of water from the lavabo bowl on both the fingers and the hands of the presider using the lavabo jug. The priest then uses a small finger towel (lavabo towel) to dry his fingers and hands fully. The priest says inaudibly while washing his hands, “Lord, wash away my iniquity; cleanse me from my sin”. This symbolizes being cleansed from sin before offering the sacrifice, just as in the Old Testament. It also serves, or did at one time, the practical purpose of cleansing the priest's hands before he handled the Eucharist for everyone.
Because the prayer is said quiely, and because in most parishes, music is being sung during the preparation rites, members of the congregation assembly do not hear the
personal prayer of the priest while washing his hands, yet see the act of washing his hands.

Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl & Jug set.

Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl & Jug set.

Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl & Jug set.

Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl & Jug set.
4520/2515 Lavabo Jug & Bowl
Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl & Jug set. Lavabo Jug. 180mm x 110mm. Holds 1500ml. Polished bright stainless steel Lavabo bowl. 240mm x 85mm
Available from stock.

LC-LAV-SET Lavabo Jug & Bowl
24% Lead Crystal Lavabo Set. Pitcher is 3" tall and has a 7 oz capacity. Heavy cut glass lavabo bowl, 2" high x 5" dia
To order only

ICLAV - Lavabo Jug & Bowl
Limited edition Irish 24% lead crystal Lavabo set. Lavabo Bowl - 3.7"W x 1.8"H. Lavabo Jug - 4.5"W x 3.1"H
Tray - 7.5"L x 4.3"W x 0.6"H.
Available from stock
ICLAV - Lavabo Bowl
Limited edition Irish 24% lead crystal Lavabo Bowl only. Lavabo Bowl - 3.7"W x 1.8"H. Available from stock
24% Irish Lead Crystal Lavabo Tray only. Dimensions - 7.5"L x 4.3"W x 0.6"H. Available from stock