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Fairtrade Cotton Shirts
Few would dispute the importance of Fairtrade in guaranteeing producers from developing countries a fair price for their goods and labour, and thankfully there are ever increasing numbers of Fairtrade products available.
However, until now, buying a Fairtrade Cotton Clerical Shirt has not been an option. Compelled by a commitment to Fair Trade in all its forms we're delighted to introduce our range of Fairtrade Cotton Clerical shirts available now.
Fair Trade
This means that as well as our garments carrying the Fairtrade Foundation Guarantee, we also seek to ensure that our trading practices with consumers, retailers and other bodies are both fair and honest. We seek to build long term and sustainable partnerships with all of our suppliers and provide value for money to our customers.
Our Shirts
All of our Fairtrade Cotton shirts are made from 100% Fairtrade Certified Cotton which ensures that small scale cotton farmers from developing countries receive a fair and stable price for their goods and labours. Additionally they receive a Fair Trade premium which enables them to invest in their farm businesses and communities.
Our Fairtrade Cotton Shirts are produced in East Africa by one of the Industry's most respected Fair Trade Garment makers and use organic cotton grown in India.
The shirts are pre-shrunk and so will not shrink on washing and use colour fast dye to ensure they do not fade.
We're confident that the quality of the fabric and the cut of the shirts is unrivalled in the Clerical Shirt market.
An array of colours and styles as shown on the below listings and menus.
Standard shirts available in collar sizes 14" to 18.5" and 8 to 22 in ladies sizing.

Men's & Women's Fairtrade Shirts Sizing Guide
Please click on the PDF file to download the size guide sheet for our Clergy Shirts. This guide will allow you to see exactly which size would suit your body frame best.

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Grey

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Green

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black
Fairtrade Cotton, Men's Long Sleeve Clergy Shirt - MFT
100% Fairtrade Cotton, long sleeve, slip in collar style clergy shirt. In men's styling and complete with single cuffs and breat pocket to the left side. In a wide range of colours.
Available from stock.

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Men's Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black
Fairtrade Cotton, Men's Long Sleeve Tonsure Clergy Shirt - MFTT
100% Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure (Roman Collar) long sleeve style clergy shirt. In men's styling and complete with double cuffs and breat pocket to the left side. Requires cufflinks (Not supplied). Available in Black only
Available from stock.

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Grey

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. White

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black
Fairtrade Cotton, Ladies Long Sleeve Clergy Shirt - LFT
100% Fairtrade Cotton, long sleeve, slip in collar style clergy shirt. In ladies styling and complete with single cuffs.
Available from stock.

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black

Ladies Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure Collar, Long Sleeve Shirt. Black
Fairtrade Cotton, Ladies Long Sleeve Tonsure Clergy Shirt - LFTT
100% Fairtrade Cotton, Tonsure (Roman Collar) long sleeve style clergy shirt. In ladies styling and complete with single cuffs.
Available from stock.