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lenten & easter crosses & gifts

The season of Lent begins and ends with the cross.
On Ash Wednesday there is the tradition of receiving the cross of ashes on the forehead to mark the beginning of a six week period of prayer and reflection before Easter; and on Good Friday, we finally come to the cross of history on the hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus died.
See below a range of crosses which may be given as gifts or displayed in church, school or home.
Lenten Cross
A beautiful mahogany Lenten Cross with stand.
Available in sizes 10/20/30/40cm and complete with purple fabric.
Ideal for desktop and display
Why purple? - Purple (The Color of Lent)
The color most commonly associated with the Easter season (or more specifically the season of Lent that precedes Easter Day) is purple. It is the color found in church sanctuaries throughout the world during the season.
Interestingly purple was one of three colors of yarn (blue, purple and scarlet) used in abundance throughout the Jewish temple and in the clothing of Jewish priests (Exodus 25-28 and 35-39). Quite possibly these colors are significant in their meaning. The color purple (the combination of red and blue) is prophetic of the coming Messiah who would be both God and man and who would serve as the mediator between God and man as a result of his suffering on the cross:

Lenten Cross 2
A beautiful mahogany Easter Cross with stand.
Available in sizes 10cm size only and complete with purple fabric. Fantastic rounded edges for easy grip by children and the base has a magnetic locator enabling the cross to automatcally stand up when put onto the base. Remnoved simply by pulling away from the base magnet for hand holding.

Easter Crucifiction Display
A magnificently detailed mahogany crucifix on a mounted stand complete with purple ragged sash denoting the garments torn from Jesus body by the Roman soldiers.
2 x palm leaves lie at the bottom of the crucifx with a selection of period nails used to nail Christ to the cross. Also includes 1m of torn purple fabric as a base for the display. A wonderful display for all churches, schools etc. Available in various sizes (30cm shown in images).
Easter Crucifixtion 2 Display
As above but includes a real Crown of Thorns (shown on image 5 & 6 above) which can be draped on the crucifix. Please be aware that the authentic crown of thorns from Jerusalem is sharp and should be kept away from small children,

Easter Cross Display
A magnificent mahogany cross on a mounted stand complete with purple ragged sash denoting the garments torn from Jesus body by the Roman soldiers.
2 x palm leaves lie at the bottom of the cross with a selection of period nails used to nail Christ to the cross. Also includes 1m of torn purple fabric as a base for the display. A wonderful display for all churches, schools etc.
Available in various sizes (30cm shown in images) - 30/40/60cm
Easter Cross 2 Display
As above but includes a real Crown of Thorns (shown on image 1 & 3 above) which can be draped on the cross. Please be aware that the authentic crown of thorns from Jerusalem is sharp and should be kept away from small children.
Please note that the cross and crucifix can be removed from the base and used for Veneration for a Good Friday service.

Crown of Thorns
This Crown of Thorn is made in Bethlehem by a Christian family, they made it in the months of July & August because at that time the branches of the rose bushes would be fresh, so they can be shaped into a head size circle.
The thorns are extremely sharp
Those bushes are taken from Jerusalem from the Catholic monks who have lived in the Jerusalem area since the time of the crusades, at that area only one particular type of thorn Bush Small tree is native. This thorn bush small tree is unlike the other, it has a distinct double thorn pattern, So as it seems this Crown of Thorn may be from the same branches that was used for our Lord Jesus Christ, as there is no other branches at that area, and the soldier would have to run at least a mile which means to go outside the city wall to bring some thorns to make the crown for Our Lord Jesus.. Use to create a moving centerpiece, wall decoration drapped with a purple cloth or as a memorable teaching tool for relgious instruction to children.
The thorns are extremely sharp. Thorns are approximately 1 inch long. Life size Diameter Approx 7 Inches